May 16 & 18 | Montrose Area Estate Sale
Join Lewis & Maese May 16 & 18 for another incredible Montrose Area Estate Sale.
Highlights include: antique bronze statues, English antique furniture, Geo chest-on-chest, Geo bookcase, 19th French marble top sideboard, Circa 1500 English hunt board, 2500 years old Roman and Greek artifacts, 3000 years old Egyptian sandstone head, many pre-Columbian objects, oil paintings, gilt carved mirrors, Waterford and Baccarat lamps, leather top ball and claw desk, Council breakfront china cabinet, sofas French armchairs, geos, breakfast table, ball and claw side chairs, Baker side tables, 2 four poster beds and much more!
Date & Time
Thursday, May 16th from 5 pm - 8 pm
Saturday, May 18th from 9 am - 3 pm
602 Harold St.
Houston, TX 77006
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There is no preview for this event. Estate sales are on location, items priced as marked, first come first served.
Terms & Conditions
Cash or credit card only
No Children
Sales tax applied
No packing material provided
No large bags permitted
Anything left after close of sale on the day of the sale will be forfeited including any money already paid. No exceptions. (Applies to Estate Sales, not auctions)
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